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The 4th Annual Elt Undergraduate Students Conference Was Held Successfully
The 4th Annual ELT Undergraduate Students Conference was held successfully

The 4th Annual ELT Undergraduate Students Conference was held successfully

The 4th Annual ELT Undergraduate Students Conference was held on the 2nd of March, 2018. The conference was comprised of three plenary speeches and 20 concurrent sessions. The plenary speeches were delivered by Prof. Dr. Yasemin Bayyurt from Boğaziçi Universiy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Amanda Yeşilbursa from Uludağ University, and Assist. Prof. Dr.  Adem Soruç from Sakarya University. We hosted pre-service language teachers from various universities including Boğaziçi, Marmara, Yıldız Technical, İstanbul and Bahçeşehir Universities from Istanbul, and Gazi, Hacettepe, Middle East Technical universities from Ankara. Moreover, we had guests from Düzce University, Uludağ University, and even from Gaziantep University. A wide spectrum of topics were covered in the presentations including popular culture on ELT materials, effective teacher qualities, using digital tools in foreign language teaching, language learning strategies, the use L1 in foreign language teaching classrooms, cooperative learning activities, and some other subjects concerning the students and professors of the English Language Teaching.
