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Academic Advisors

Information regarding the Advisors

Dear Students,

In accordance with the regulations regarding the students at Sakarya University, an advisor is appointed to each group of students. The advisor monitors the students, assists them in the process of fixing the problems with academic issues, and administers the course registration procedures.

Should our students face with a problem or have any academic subjects to consult about, the first person they need to see is their advisor. Considering the heavy workload of the instructors, a request made to another instructor may not possibly be processed as desired. It is for the benefit of our students that they contact their supervisors when they are in need.

The advisory information that has been valid throughout the Spring Semester of 2024-2025 Academic Year is presented below for your kind attention.

Preparatory Program: Ins. Aydın Çelenk

1st Year Students: Ins. İlknur Kılıç

2nd Year Students: Assist. Prof. Dr. Elif Bozyiğit

3rd Year Students: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali İlya

4th Year Students: Ins. Orkun Öztürk


For your information,

Head of the Foreign Language Education Department