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About Us

This program aims to train English teachers who can use English fluently, properly and effectively as a means of communication in both academic and daily life. With the compulsory courses given in the undergraduate program, it is aimed to equip students with the professional skills necessary for foreign language teaching competencies along with 21st century skills and digitalization in education . The program also offers second foreign language courses so that teacher candidates can have a command of another foreign language besides English. 


Graduates of English Language Teaching department can work as teachers in primary or secondary public and private schools, as lecturers in preparatory programs of universities, and as research assistants in related faculties. They can also pursue an academic career by joining master's and doctoral degree programs. 


Opportunities Provided by the Program 

Sakarya University offers a minor program in English Language Education to its students. There are also special interest courses in the areas of Language Education for Children (Interdisciplinary), Language Education Studies, Linguistics and Language Teaching with the aim of helping students find their area of interest. The program also has ERASMUS agreements with Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal and Romania in addition to MEVLANA foreign exchange agreements with Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova and Pakistan. The department also has agreements with various universities in Turkey as part of the FARABI program. 


Academic Staff 

1 Associate Professor, 4 Assistant Professors, 5 Lecturers, 3 Research Assistants. 

Quota: 62 

Period of Study: 4 Years+1 Year Preparatory Program

Score Type: Foreign Language